Welcome to Herbal Balance for Life,
The Miracle of Essiac

Our company was founded in 2008 by Jim Polisano and (Warren Levy-Retired).

Upon researching “Essiac” for the better part of 2007, we had to decideJim Polisano, president of Herbal Balance for Life, Inc. which Essiac formula was the most effective. We reviewed the original four herb formula the Indians used and we evaluated the upgraded version to eight herbs, tested and improved by Dr. Charles Brusch and Nurse Rene Caisse.

All of the data we found clearly pointed to the advance version of Essiac as the most effective form of Essiac. The formula was passed to the Paulhus family of whom we are their licensee.

Our goal was to determine how to make this product easy, simple and effective to use. The overwhelming challenge of boiling herbs for about 10 minutes let it set with the heat off for 12 hours, then pour it into a glass container, store it in the fridge, shake up the container and measure out 2 ounces at a time! The taste was awful and if you had to leave home for work or vacation, how could you imagine taking this product with you?

We created a new delivery system for Essiac, by using a softgel. There is no need for brewing, measuring, fridge storage and it is totally portable!

We also produce the old fashion tea, requiring the brewing process. We have the highest degree of quality that is offered, as our brewed tea version is Certified Organic!

History of Essiac Tea

This ancient herbal formula has been traced back, well over 250 years, to an area in Eastern Ontario Canada. The Shaman or Medicine Man, for the Ojibwa Native Indians, used this combination of four herbs to treat the illnesses of his Tribe. It was used as a topical treatment for wounds as well as being brewed to be ingested for intestinal ailments.

This unique formula consisting of four herbs, Burdock Root, Slippery Elm, Sheep Sorrel and Rhubarb Root, had remained a secret, as it was passed down from Shaman to Shaman, until the early 1900’s.

A very ill Canadian woman, without the means to afford treatment, was introduced to an Ojibwa Medicine Man, who prepared his secret formula for her to begin taking. He showed her where to find the herbs in the fields and what parts of the herbs to use so she could care for herself. She later made a remarkable recovery and proceeded to share this information with her friend, Nurse Rene Caisse (pronounced Reen Case) The Cancer Nurse, Rene CaisseIn the early 1920’s Nurse Caisse began using this formula to treat her many patients, with the permission of her doctors and hospital administrators. Patients had great success with this herbal formula and word of mouth spread in Canada to the point the local media got hold of the story of this helpful tonic.

When she was interviewed by the local newspaper, she was asked what the name of this popular tonic was called. So, thinking on her feet, she spelled her name backwards and said it was called “Essiac” and the name stuck forever.

Dr Charles Brusch helped Rene Caisse develop the 8 Herbessiac Tea FormulaLater in life, she partnered with Dr,. Charles Brusch (personal physician to President John F. Kennedy) and they worked for 8 years, from 1957 to around 1965, to improve the potency and effectiveness of this herbal formula.

They and their team of doctors settled on a revised improved formula using the original four core herbs but added Blessed Thistle, Red Clover, Kelp and Watercress, to modify and enhance the performance of the original four herb formula.

This proprietary eight herb formula is what we, at Herbal Balance For Life, are producing today.

Get the latest Essiac Tea Info here.