I am pretty sure most of our readers have heard of Greenpeace. This Global organization was founded in 1971, with offices'now in 55 countries.
Greenpeace exposes environmental problems and promotes solutions that will benefit a green, peaceful future for our world.
Many of these issues, such as climate control, safe water, land deterioration, saving the creatures in the oceans are some of those issues that Greenpeace carry's that torch.
According to Greenpeace, every single minute, the equivalent of a truckload of plastic enters the oceans.
That plastic can kill whales, seabirds, turtles and fish. Plastic is overwhelming communities, impacting human health and fueling the climate crises.
In 2079, Greenpeace honed in on the supermarkets and categorized the top 20 markets and all of them received failing scores when it came to plastics.
Even the top 10 we thought would have some positive improvements yet sprouts, Kroger, Costco, Wal-Mart, Whole Foods Market, etc. all failed,
As we all know, 20L9 turned into the Pandemic from hell and grocery retailers deprioritized sustainability including "plastic pollution" in response to COVID-19.
The rush of keeping shelves stocked and responding to the public health risks, didn't give these stores the time to be worry about "plastic pollution."
Many retailers discontinued bans on single-use plastic bags because people needed plastic bags to store inventory at home I I think we would all agree, the Pandemic turned things around for all of us, included the retailers.
We are now getting our lives back and the grocery industry are now willing to comply by "immediate removal of unnecessary throwaway packaging, commitment to eliminate single-use plastics and transition to reuse, refill and package-free alternatives."
Another agreement most of the US Grocery leaders signed off on is a "correction of misleading labels claiming that packaging is recyclable when it is more likely to end up in a landfill or incinerator."
Our world has a lot going on and this little tidbit of "plastic pollution" may not sound very important to some of you, but we all have a responsibility of doing our job to keep this world healthy and safe.
Remember, we have a duty to hand over this beautiful planet to our children and grandchildren!
To your Health,
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